

It is always a very hard thing when you have your heart broken. It hurts both mentally and physically. To give your heart to someone for several years and then to have it torn to shreds by a simple word or action. You try desperately to hold on. To stay away from the heart break. You scream, beg, and plead but ultimately it was pointless. You can’t make her love you again. You can force someone to love you no matter how much it tears you up inside. With pain in your heart, you have to live with it for the rest of your days. Hoping that perhaps one day it will heal. However it will always be apart of you, your history, your experience. You will never truly be rid of this heart break no matter what you do!

This year has had many difficulties, one of which was the heart wrenching break up with my long term girlfriend. For the last few months I’ve been trying my best to deal with this situation. I am not one for having many people in my circles, I prefer to keep them small as to know each individual personal instead of making them just another face in the sea of life. I get to know people, what their likes and dislikes are, who they are when in their downtime, and how they are when stress hits. I form a personal bond with these people and having one of these bonds is utterly crippling.

This severed bond between my now ex-girlfriend has made me dip my toes into some admittedly dark placed of which I symbolized in the gradual shift from white to black in this work. Thankfully I have gotten through that very dark moment in my life. I frantically searched for answers, for some way to repair this bond, however no matter what I tried I feel like they are hopeless. This shift to hopelessness can be seen in the character sprite up in the right hand corner gradually changing to a more sickly and saddening state.

My Code:

import sprites.*;
import sprites.maths.*;
import sprites.utils.*;

import net.java.games.input.*;
import g4p_controls.*;

import org.gamecontrolplus.gui.*;
import org.gamecontrolplus.*;
import net.java.games.input.*;
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;

///ALL Sprites used
PImage You;
PImage DontGo;
PImage PleaseIcanfixthis;
PImage WhatdidIdo;

///Rest of sprites
PImage Lady;
PImage ZeroHeart;
PImage ThirtyHeart;
PImage FiftyHeart;
PImage EightyHeart;
PImage PickUp;
PImage BreakUp;

//COnditions for PickUps
float LOVEME;
float Mood = 241;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
FFT fft;
ControlIO control;
Configuration config;
ControlDevice stick;
float sanity =0;
PFont f;
float ENDIT;
float px, py;
int move = 460;
float Hope;
float LOVE;

public void setup() {
size(600, 500);

Lady = loadImage(“Girl.png”);
You = loadImage(“Player character starter.png”);
DontGo = loadImage(“Player character stage 2.png”);
PleaseIcanfixthis = loadImage(“Player character stage 3.png”);
WhatdidIdo = loadImage(“Player character stage 4.png”);

///Pick Ups
PickUp = loadImage(“FullHeart.png”);
BreakUp = loadImage(“Broken Heart sprite.png”);

//Affection Container
ZeroHeart = loadImage(“Empty Heart.png”);
ThirtyHeart = loadImage(“30 percent heart.png”);
FiftyHeart = loadImage(“50 percent heart.png”);
EightyHeart = loadImage(“80 percent heart.png”);
ILOVEYOU = loadImage(“100 percent heart.png”);
minim= new Minim(this);
f = createFont(“Arial”,16,true);

control = ControlIO.getInstance(this);
stick = control.getMatchedDevice(“controller”);
if (stick == null) {
println(“No suitable device configured”);
public void getUserInput() {
px = map(stick.getSlider(“X”).getValue(), -1, 1, 0, width);
py = map(stick.getSlider(“Y”).getValue(), -1, 1, 0, height);
public void draw() {
boolean Start = stick.getButton(“Give Up”).pressed();
boolean X = stick.getButton(“Begin”).pressed();

//Text Box: Time till love Obtained
rect(-3, 63, 323,-8);
rect(0, 0, 286,5);
rect(6, 60, -6,-56);
rect(287, 60, -7,-56);
text(“Time Until True Love Obtained”, 12,23);
text(“Unknown”, 109,45);

//Text Box for Player Character
rect(3, 64, 612,-11);
rect(284, 0, 324,7);
rect(600, 61, -8,-58);
rect(333, 62, 13,-145);
if(sanity == 0){
image(You, 378,9);
rect(423, 43, 68,-9);
rect(423, 17, 68,10);
ellipse(511,31, 20,20);

//Heart Box
image(ILOVEYOU, 514,429);
rect(317, 395, 286,20);
rect(330, 505, 335,-17);
rect(323, -68, 36,22);
rect(609, 500, -35,-105);

//Lady Box
image(Lady, move,431);

rect(-12, 395, 329,20);
rect(-6, 503, 335,-17);
rect(298, 486, 35,114);
rect(613, 504, -35,-105);

//Your love
image(PickUp, 200,200);
image(PickUp, 150, 120);
image(PickUp, 350, 120);
image(PickUp, 150, 350);
image(PickUp, 360,175);

//star the game
if (X ==true){
Hope = 1;
if (Hope ==1){
move= move – 1;
sanity = sanity – .5;
//Text Box: Time till love Obtained
rect(-3, 63, 323,-8);
rect(0, 0, 286,5);
rect(6, 60, -6,-56);
rect(287, 60, -7,-56);
text(“Time Until True Love Obtained”, 12,23);
text(“Unknown”, 109,45);

//Text Box for Player Character
if(sanity < -1){
image(DontGo, 378,9);
Mood =Mood -.5;

if (move <150){
image( PleaseIcanfixthis,378,9);
image(BreakUp, 100,100);
image(BreakUp, 267, 80);
image(BreakUp, 435, 213);
image(BreakUp, 167, 310);
image(BreakUp, 200,152);
if (move <0 && sanity < -1 ){
image( WhatdidIdo ,378,9);
image(BreakUp, 300,300);
image(BreakUp, 526, 16);
image(BreakUp, 539, 292);
image(BreakUp, 169, 390);
image(BreakUp, 270,175);
if (sanity < -350){
image(BreakUp, 354,18);
image(BreakUp, 120, 390);
image(BreakUp, 435, 163);
image(BreakUp, 169, 245);
image(BreakUp, 316,361);
image(BreakUp, 395,300);
image(BreakUp, 170, 50);
image(BreakUp, 513, 90);
image(BreakUp, 74, 239);
image(BreakUp, 338,104);
rect(3, 64, 612,-11);
rect(284, 0, 324,7);
rect(600, 61, -8,-58);
rect(333, 62, 13,-145);

rect(423, 43, 68,-9);
rect(423, 17, 68,10);
ellipse(511,31, 20,20);
//Heart Box
image(EightyHeart , 513,429);
if(move <200){
image(FiftyHeart ,514,429);
if(move <100){
image(ThirtyHeart ,515,429);
if(move <30){
image(ZeroHeart ,515,429);
rect(324, 395, 286,20);
rect(324, 503, 335,-17);
rect(323, 487, 36,22);
rect(609, 517, -35,-105);

//Lady Box
image(Lady, move,431);

rect(-3, 395, 329,20);
rect(-6, 500, 335,-17);
rect(325, 492, 35,114);
rect(603, 507, -35,-105);

ellipse(px,py, 20,20);
image(BreakUp, 200,200);

image(BreakUp, 150, 120);

image(BreakUp, 285, 236);

image(BreakUp, 150, 350);

image(BreakUp, 360,175);
if (Start == true){

About Alex Mandzi

Hello, my name is Alexander C. Mandzi. I am a senior currently enrolled in Alfred State College who is majoring in Digital Media Arts. I have Asperger syndrome and I am very flexible and hard worker.
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